Competence Centre for Infrastructure Economics, Public Services and Social Provisioning
About us
The Centre
The Competence Centre for Infrastructure Economics, Public Services and Social Provisioning comprises:
a network of researchers at Austrian universities and research institutions advancing and strengthening transdisciplinary and transformative research on topics related to infrastructure economics, public services and social provisioning
a knowledge network enabling exchange and cooperation between researchers and representatives of regional and local government, social partners, businesses and civil society actors on topics relating to infrastructure economics, public services and social provisioning
a contact point for stakeholders across government, business and civil society seeking expertise on infrastructure economics, public services and social provisioning (e.g. research projects, reports, guest lectures or consultancy)
The Competence Centre was founded as a non-profit association by Emma Dowling, Michael Getzner, Astrid Krisch, Andreas Novy, Leonhard Plank and Alexandra Strickner and can be contacted via the Research Department for Finance and Infrastructure Policy at Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien).
Aims of the Centre
The Competence Centre aims to:
advance transdisciplinary and transformative research
on topics relating to infrastructure economics, public services and social provisioning
support early career researchers
and facilitate exchange among research fellows
develop inter- and transdisciplinary teaching
on the themes and topics it focuses on at universities and other institutions
facilitate knowledge transfer
between academia, government, municipalities, public institutions businesses and civil society organisations and initiatives
organise events and lectures
on topics relating to the infrastructure economics, public services and social provisioning,
co-create and develop new approaches
to organising the infrastructure economics, public services and social provisioning informed by academic research
co-design and accompany transformation processes
at regional and municipal levels, as well as within and across civil society organisations, trade unions and businesses
strengthen communication and cooperation
between academics, government, civil society, and business within Austria, Europe and internationally
on topics related to the infrastructure economics, public services and social provisioning
Board of Directors
Our board members:
© Michael Getzner
Professor of Finance and Infrastructure Economics at the Institute of Spatial Planning, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). Main research interests: Finance, ecological economics, infrastructure policy and cultural economics.
Associate Professor at the Department of Socio-Economics, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (WU Wien), Director of the Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development (MLGD). President of the International Karl Polanyi Society (IKPS). Research interests: socio-ecological transformation, socio-economics, urban and regional development and social innovation.
© Andreas Novy
©Emma Dowling
Assistant Professor of Sociology and Social Change at the University of Vienna. Research interests: social change, just transition, welfare state transformation, public services and municipalism, financialisation in the care and social sector, care work and social reproduction, participatory research methods.
Senior Scientist at the Research Department of Finance and Infrastructure Economics at the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien). Main research interests: socioeconomics, infrastructure economics and policy, regional and development economics, transnational corporations.
©Alltagsökonomie Tagung, Rathaus
© Mina Chamraci
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation, Kellogg College, University of Oxford. Research interests: social innovation for transformative climate governance, infrastructure policy and planning, spatial transformation processes, urban development policy, health policy and healthy cities.
Managing Director of the Competence Centre. Staff member at the Institute for Multi-Level Governance and Development at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (WU Wien). Main areas of work: Theory-practice dialogues, socio-ecological alternatives.
© Petra Kral
Academic Advisory Board
More than 40 university professors and researchers are part of the academic advisory board. Here you can find an overview of the members.
LL.M. Univ.-Prof.Mag.Dr. Daniel Ennöckl
Boku, Institut für Rechtswissenschaften
Dipl.-Kulturw.Univ. Christina Plank
Boku, Institute for Development Research
Dr. Johannes Jäger
FH Bfi Wien (FH) Mag.a Elisabeth Springler
FH Bfi Wien Mag.a Michaela Moser
FH St. Pölten, Ilse Arlt Institut für Soziale Inklusionsforschung
FH-Prof. Mag. Dr. Johannes Pflegerl
FH St. Pölten, Leiter Ilse Arlt Institut für Soziale Inklusionsforschung Dorothea Greiling
JKU – Institut für Management Accounting Brigitte Aulenbacher
JKU – Soziologie Karoline Mitterer
KDZ – Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung
Mag. Peter Biwald
KDZ – Zentrum für Verwaltungsforschung
Dr. Harald Wieser
KMU Forschung
Dr. rer. Pol. Oliver Rottmann
KOWID – Kompetenzzentrum öffentliche Wirtschaft, Infrastrukturen und Daseinsvorsorge e.V.
ao. Univ.-Prof. DDr. Nikolaus Dimmel
Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg, Politikwissenschaft
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Helmut Haberl
Boku, Institut für Soziale Ökologie
Sen. Art. Mag. des. ind. Martin Färber
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien – Social Design Studio
Sen.Sc. Mag.phil. MA. Schraml, Christina
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien – Social Design Studio Dr. iur. Dragana Damjanovic TU Wien, FB Rechtswissenschaften, Institut für Raumplanung Dipl.-Ing. Sibylla Zech TU Wien, FB Regionalentwicklung, Institut für Raumplanung
ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Alexander Hamedinger TU Wien, FB Soziologie, Institut für Raumplanung Margarete Haderer TU Wien, FB Soziologie, Institut für Raumplanung
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Simon Güntner TU Wien, FB Soziologie, Institut für Raumplanung Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Franziska Sielker TU Wien, FB Stadt- und Regionalforschung, Institut für Raumplanung Sabine Theresia Köszegi TU Wien, Institut für Managementwissenschaften
Mag. Dr. Michael Miess Umweltbundesamt
Assoz. Prof. Mag.rer.soc.oec. Dr.phil. Klaus Jürgen Wegleitner Uni Graz, Zentrum für Interdisziplinäre Alterns- und Care-Forschung (CIRAC) und Abteilung Public Care des Instituts für Pastoraltheologie Anke Strüver Uni Graz, Institut für Geographie und Raumforschung
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Leonhard Dobusch Uni Innsbruck, Institut für Organisation und Lernen Mag. Mag. Cornelia Staritz Uni Wien – Internationale Entwicklung
Dr. Matthias Naumann Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung, Referat Regionale Strukturpolitik, Raumentwicklungsförderung, Deutschland
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Bw. Dr. Ulrich Brand
Uni Wien – Politikwissenschaft
ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Christoph Reinprecht
Uni Wien – Soziologie
Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Jörg Flecker
Uni Wien – Soziologie
ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Martin Gruber-Risak
Uni Wien, Institut für Arbeitsrecht Karin Lukas
Uni Wien, Menschenrechte Mag.a phil. Brigitte Felderer
Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien Univ. Doris Ingrisch
Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst/ mdw, Institut für Kulturmanagement und Gender Studies Mag.a Brigitte Unger
Universität Utrecht, OeNB Generalrätin Ruth Simsa
WU Wien, eh. Leiterin NPO Institut
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Meyer
WU Wien, Institut für Nonprofit-Management
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jürgen Essletzbichler
WU Wien, Institut für Wirtschaftsgeographie Sigrid Stagl
WU Wien, Institute for Ecological Economics
ao.Univ.-Prof. Dr. Willi Altzinger
WU, INEQ Karin Heitzmann
Post-Doc Ass.-Prof. Corinna Dengler
WU Wien, Institute for Multilevel Governance and Development
Richard Bärnthaler, PhD MA
University of Leeds, School of Earth And Environment, Sustainable Research Institute
Mag.a Andrea E. Schmidt, MSc
Gesundheit Österreich GmbH, Kompetenz Klimaresilienz und One Health
Practitioner Advisory Board
The Competence Centre also has an advisory board made up of practitioners in the field. This board includes representatives from the public sector, municipal stakeholders, the private sector, trade unions and other actors in the field of the infrastructure economics, public services and social provisioning. Here you can find an overview of the members:
Mag. Lukas Oberndorfer
AK Wien Iris Strutzmann
AK Wien
Mag. Martin Schenk
Die Armutskonferenz
Mag. Thomas Bohrn
Büro für Daseinsvorsorge und Kommunalwirtschaft Wien
Ing. Mag. Rainer Will
Dipl.-Ing. Gerlinde Gutheil-Knopp-Kirchwald
Österreichischer Verband gemeinnütziger Bauvereinigungen
Mag.a. MBA Daniela Adler
Regionalentwicklung Oststeiermark
OSR Mag. Dr. Thomas Weninger, MLS
Österreichischer Städtebund
Dr. Johannes Schmid
Österreichischer Städtebund
MMag.a Heidrun Maier de Kruijff
Verband der öffentlichen Wirtschaft und Gemeinwirtschaft Österreichs (VÖWG)
Monika Wipplinger, BA
Younion _ Die Daseinsgewerkschaft
Robert Blöschl, MA
Younion _ Die Daseinsgewerkschaft
Maria Langsenlehner MSc BA
Circular Futures – Plattform Kreislaufwirtschaft Österreich
Sophie Kratz, MA
Circular Futures – Plattform Kreislaufwirtschaft Österreich
Mag.a Susanne Haslinger
DI (FH) Rainer Handlfinger
Klimabündnis Österreich
Mag.a Angela Pfister
ÖGB Helene Schuberth